South Africa / United Kingdom / Global (Online and in-Person)
Training with the nniDialogue Institute brings access to the multidisciplinary nniMethodology. No matter your background, training or experience, you will be guided towards mastery of a systems approach. Using the power of accessing all/ multiple voices you will easily navigate multiple truths in group coaching. This brings an authentic and rigorous approach to diversity, equity and inclusion in all contexts. Take charge of your professional development and prepare yourself for an increasingly polarised world, and ever more challenging coaching context.
Our flexible training journeys allow for a number of stops and pauses. Whether you are looking to acquire powerful and practical skills to empower working relationship and teams , plan to become a professional systems coach and facilitator with international accreditation, or develop a systemic lens and approach in your leadership style – there is a training journey right for you. Read more below or see our 2024 Programme Guide
This programme consists of three foundational contact courses (presented online or in-person): The Introduction , Training 1 and Training 2., but differ in the post- training event practicum and overall course completion requirements
Exciting news! Join our 5Day in-person Summer Intensive Training in the beautiful Cotswolds, UK 12-16 August 2024 and do Introduction and Training 1 together (and earn 40 CCEs!)! See our Summer Intensive Brochure.
2,5 Days (Online or In-Person)
Day 1: 13:30-17:30
Day 2 and 3: 09:00-17:30
(Online courses follow SAST time zone; In-person courses follow local time zone)
17 CCEs
This course serves as an introduction to both professional facilitator-coach (systems coaching) training in the nni methodology. The 2.5 training days take you on adventure to discover different tools and concepts that form part of the nniMethodology of systemic dialogue. This is an ‘introductory’ course and concepts are introduced in brief but powerful bursts, including ‘experiencing it’ and ‘applying it’.
Course content includes: the nniDialogue Tool U-bend model
3levels of communication Systemic voices
Coaching & Facilitation skills: simple & complex
social constructs and power
systems dreaming
Facilitator presence What is nni
Duration: 3 Days 9:00 – 17:30 (Online courses follow SAST time zone; In- person courses follow local time zone)
23 CCEs
Practicum (remote):
2-12 months
(self-paced flexible journey)
Having completed the Intro training, Training 1 is for participants who want to develop practical dialogue facilitation skills. You will walk out ready to facilitate even the hardest topics with the most challenging team or community.
The Facilitation 1 training course focuses primarily on the structure of the nni dialogue process as a vehicle to achieve the above outcomes. You will learn how to go through each of the steps of an nni dialogue process dialogue – all the way from creating an agreement with your participants, through topic selection and identifying the voices (places for people to speak from or to, which show the different sides to a selected topic), into helping each voice to dive deeper into emotion and then further to shared essence. You will also learn to facilitate the process of returning to the reality of the participants’ current lived experience, which will enable them to go out into the world and make real and lasting change, transforming their teams, organisations, communities, countries and the world.
This course includes both theoretical (30%) and experiential (70%) training. You will learn the theory of the methodology, as well as apply this theory through participation in dialogues.
Duration: 4 Days (9:00 – 17:30) In-person
Practicum (remote): 4-6 months (self-paced flexible journey) Supervision, mentoring and practicum as per your training track
Training 2 is for those interested in systemic coaching as a professional practice or serious about honing their systemic dialogue facilitation skills. This is the final module within the Level 1 ICF coach accredited course and will allow you to meet all the training requirements for international ACC accreditation with ICF. Please note the additional *entry requirements for this course, as well as the *post training 2 course completion requirements (with separate pricing).
Training 2 is a rigorous master class in dialogue facilitation and systemic coaching. Experiential as always, training focuses on skills building with learning labs where, in real time, we work through a series of challenging dialogue scenarios. Participants will facilitate live groups in solo and co-facilitation. Theory and skills master classes will focus on:
Introduce and apply Meta-skills Acknowledging double signals
Bring marginalised voice into central position Create/open channels of communication. Getting stuck energy unstuck /
Facilitate voices/ system to cross edges Creating more safety for system
Stepping into not over hotspots
Show system to itself
Track 3 levels of communication Co-facilitation
Constellation styles (and when to use what)
Custom Application of the nniDialogue in a variety of contexts
Agreements for and design of closed systems and professional engagements Ethics in coaching
Embark on our 4-month Systemic Leadership Development programme where you will learn how to identify, listen to, and work with the underlying voices and tensions in your organisation/industry to drive inclusive systemic change. You will also learn how to work with your own inner diversity as a leader.
If you are a decision maker or influencer in your organisation (no matter your level) and want to help drive change, this course is for you. Whether it be in corporate, development, community, government or personal, you are working within and amongst human systems, connected to other systems.
When we talk about changing the system. We mean going beyond individual issues to also tackle the challenges of our institutional structures, dynamics and their linkages to other systems.
Working with underlying systemic drivers addressing the root causes which are often intractable and embedded in networks of cause and effect. This is what systemic change is an intentional process designed to fundamentally alter the components and structure.