Coach Directory is the largest independent directory of coaches in South Africa.
There are over 200 individual coaches, coach companies, workshop facilitators, motivational speakers, mentors and coach training institutions listed on this website… all with different approaches, styles and skills. So if you’re looking for a business or life coach in South Africa… you’re at the right place!
Choose one of our coaching categories below, and let’s find your coach!
If you are a coach with a recognised professional coaching qualification, then you are welcome to submit your profile for inclusion on this website.
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Depression Recovery Coach
Ayurvedic Coaching generally starts with the client taking action by filling in an extensive Intake form. The questions range from their daily routines to their hunger patterns, to sleep, sexuality, their family story, etc.
Recovery coaches act as role models and help clients achieve lasting change by identifying triggers, forming an action plan, and developing habits and behaviors that support long-term recovery.