
Lily Breuning-Ellis

Life Coach, Counsellor and Process Facilitator


Somerset West

083 601 4898

Somerset West, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

I am based in Somerset West where I work in a beautiful and calm setting surrounded by nature and mountains – a space where clients can relax and explore routes towards their goals, or simply start recovering from whatever is holding them back.


I have pursued a lifelong path of personal growth, studied a vast range of subjects including Non-linear Dynamics, Developmental Models, Mindfulness, Neuroscience in Coaching and have a degree in Psychological Counseling. I am a qualified Consciousness Coach, and have worked in counselling and life coaching space for over 15 years. I have a deep understanding of the mechanics of anxiety, trauma and the discomfort of growth. I apply various levels of both knowledge and interventions, deliberately re-wiring limiting responses to enable my clients to choose responses from a place of strength.

Whilst my qualifications enable me to support my clients with rich information and insight, my own life journey and deep experience working with people over decades enables me to add compassion and empathetic understanding to many situations. I have lived my life seeking knowledge both within and without for deeper understanding, dealing with the curve balls life inevitably throws from a perspective of wanting to grow rather than collapse, and learning that accepting our humanity and vulnerability is the first and best step towards anything.


Each clients’ journey with me is highly individual with their needs and preferences taken into consideration, thereby creating a safe, supportive and powerful space. Whilst it is vital to feel understood and supported, the coaching space also offers greater clarity around how to move forward deliberately. The client takes on increasing responsibility for the final outcome, as that is what ultimately empowers us most – knowing and trusting ourselves sufficiently to do what we know is best for us in any moment.

I deal with clients across the spectrum, specialising in personal development, trauma facilitation and anxiety management.

I aim to move clients towards greater levels of emotional and spiritual intelligence. As we apply increasing wisdom in our lives, work and relationships, life suddenly becomes a constantly profound experience, and challenges are merely new opportunities.

‘The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice there is little we can do to change until we notice that failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.’ **R.D.Laing

Somerset West, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa