coaching culture clubs

Liz Witherspoon

Life Coach

“The time to show up fully for life is right now, whatever the circumstances….The only way to achieve an exciting life is to be willing to be excited and exciting. The only way to achieve an excellent life is to be willing to be excellent.”
Marianne Williamson

I believe that we all have the potential to live exciting, excellent lives – with health, vitality, purpose and joy!

Coaching is a tool that can help you to develop and grow; and uncover the obstacles that prevent you from living and working to your full potential. I engage with clients to find ways to live an authentic life, and use different tools (including Mindfulness and the Enneagram Personality Profile) to create awareness and options for moving forward.

I enjoy working with people at all levels in an organization, or in their personal lives. I enjoy building rapport and trust in the coaching relationship and creating a space where clients feel comfortable to explore solutions and creative ways to overcome obstacles, move forward and achieve their goals. I am excited each time I meet a new client and have the privilege of partnering with them for a time along their personal journey. As your coach I am encouraging, gentle, caring and sincere. I will also challenge you and stretch you to beyour best self. I am committed, enthusiastic, energetic and passionate about my work and life in general! I adhere to a strict code of ethics as a Coach, and integrity and confidentiality are integral to my belief in professionalism and excellent service.

Health can be viewed along four related dimensions of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. It is important to ensure that you have a balance between the expenditure (output) and recovery (input) of energy in all four of these areas. Through coaching, you can:

  • Find the balance in your life.
  • Feel in control of your own life.
  • Find your purpose and direction.
  • Get focused on where you are going and where you want to go.
  • Get out of your rut and realize what you’re capable of achieving.
  • Build up your self-esteem and confidence, or get them back.
  • Find and reconnect with your authentic self.
  • Engage in connected and healthy personal relationships
  • Re-energise yourself.
  • Learn tools that can be applied everyday to lead a more ‘engaged’ and fulfilling life.
  • Systematically tackle your dreams/ hopes for the future and find contentment in the present.
  • Actively make changes in your life instead of just talking and thinking about it.

My experience in the corporate sector includes individual and team coaching as well as facilitating a leadership program which integrates head (knowledge), heart (values) and hands (action) along 7 dimensions of leadership from leading the organization, leading others, through to self-leadership. I am currently involved in facilitation and executive coaching for a leadership intervention in a large organisation focusing on Engaging Leadership.

Workshop facilitation includes:

  • Enneagram (for individual and team development/ personal growth);
  • Mindfulness, including Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction-Program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn;
  • Managing Energy;
  • Engaging Leadership;
  • Team Planning/ Goal setting

I have a B.A degree in Psychology and qualified as a coach through Results Coaching Systems, who are accredited with the ICF (International Coach Federation).

I am the co-founder of Simplicity Coaching which is involved in coaching, as well as running workshops and retreats for individuals and businesses.

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa