coaching culture clubs

Klasie Wessels

Personal Coach

Klasie Wessels specializes helping you discover a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life. Problems are often a result of not understanding “why” or “how” and by helping you develop greater awareness and personal insight, you are able to reach new levels of personal wisdom.

He works on themes such as personal growth, finding clarity, discovering purpose and the bigger questions of life. The most exciting part his work are the experiential workshops with the Tibetan exile community in Dharamsala, Northern India, and expeditions to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. Since 2010, he has taken more than 200 people on such personal development journeys and he works directly with the Tibetan government in Exile. He has direct access to Tibetan monks and philosophers which results in a very interesting coaching style.

Before starting Streetschool, Klasie spent 25 years with the Advertising Group FCB – the last 10 years as Managing Director and Chairman of the Johannesburg office.

He is associated with Unisa’s Center of Applied Psychology where he lectures Logotherapy. Logotherapy was developed by Dr Viktor Frankl and is a form of counseling towards greater meaning and purpose in life. Klasie is an internationally qualified Educator of Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and a board member of the Viktor Frankl Institute of South Africa. He has B Comm (Marketing)(Hons) and MBL degrees, and is a qualified Leadership and Executive Business Coach. He also studied Kinesiology and is a certified NLP practitioner. He’s married with 4 children, enjoys ultra long sporting events and has participated in many Iron Man and Cape Epic cycling events. He also does a bit of altitude climbing in the Himalayas from time to time.

Client comments:

My reflection of this journey, where I have walked the Kora, visited the Temples, sat in meditation, listened to talks that are really lessons worth noting, brief encounters with awesome Buddhists, has enlarged my enormous  “Tool Box” to enable me to use and enrich my life and grow more.

I think my feet are finally on the ground.  I am not sure what the universe is trying to tell me but I feel that acceptance is the greatest lesson I will take from this journey.  Be it people, material things or emotional baggage – acceptance, acceptance, acceptance – and try not to change the world in this lifetime.

Thank you for a wonderful, intellectually stimulating, and well prepared trip. Thank you for opening my mind to a whole new world with its own sets of problems, ideas, rituals, ambience and thought processes. It has been a real eye opener and left me with lots to think about.


10 Repens Road, Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, South Africa